Confession: Even after I fell in love with tech, I didn’t give up my first love: Books. So it’s always a joy that SXSW Interactive also has a great selection in their analog bookshop. Since I only had to pack the pictures, and could take them all back home. I picked up everything I thought looked interesting, and I’ve grouped them into 4 topics – on pinboards:

Topic 1: Marketing I love selling great ideas (though I’m not into marketing, as the number of readers on this blog reveals :), but why not use the internet to market your great idea – or yourself, so you can get in a position, where more people will hear your idess?
Topic 2: Our Brains (and the Internet) – a topic that’s popular – also in this corner of the internet. What does the new input from the science du jour Neuro tell us about outselves, how to hack our own brains, or those of our readers. World domination, and perfect GTD mind like water, here we come!
Topic 3: Content and Curation are hot these days – so how do you create better content, bring it to more people or prune your content to the essentials, so your readers can find what they need. Curation is a closely connected topic; how do we value curation vs content creation, what is good curation – and what about the people, and algorithms who is curating our content for us?
Topic 4: Life & Work How do we manage all that information, how do we organize our digital lives – and find time for a life offline as well? Sort out your work life, and start to work on your life today!
I’ve read 2 so far, more about that soon, but there are plenty more good stuff to come. Like my taste in books? Well I’ll probably love yours! Find me on Goodreads!)