Gratis råd til YouBio

Hej YouBio. Det er friskt af jer, at I sådan vil være moderne med streaming af TV on demand, lissom. Problemet er bare, at hvis I skal gøre det, så skal I nok oppe jer gevaldigt. Her er et par gode råd: 1) Lad være med at sende mig 5 (fem!) forskellige emails om at…Fortsæt læsningGratis råd til YouBio


Netymology: From Apps to Zombies – A Linguistic Celebration of the Digital World by Tom Chatfield My rating: 5 of 5 stars For those of us who love languages almost as much as we love the internet, this is a lovely stroll through the lingo of the internet and the origins of the words we…Fortsæt læsningNetymology

Digital Humanities

Andrew Prescott aka @ajprescott did a nice overview of Digital Humanities in his keynote today at #dh14dk, this quick write-up won’t do it justice, but it was chock full of interesting links, so I wanted to share a bunch here: He described the first wave of digital humanities was using computers to access, research and…Fortsæt læsningDigital Humanities