English Tools & Virtual Gadgets

Use me, leave me! #usemeleaveme

I came out of the Austin Conference Centre on saturday, and there was a couple of guys trying to get people to ride their bikes. As I had been missing a bike like crazy (Austin buses are not on schedule this week, and I’m a Copenhagen, so I’m a biker;)

Turned out it was The #usemeleaveme bike Rackspace brought to town. So I jumped on a brown cruiser and pedaled off to the Radisson. And when I came out after my session, it was still there, so I rode up to get a burrito at the Taco Shack – and lo and behold, no-one else figured out yet that the bike was up for grabs, so I rode it back to the ACC again.

The SXSWiness is (apart from bikes being great) that the bikes are tweeting using the hashtag #UseMeLeaveME


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