What facebook knows about you

More about the case Europe Vs Facebook. (Via Eyesinthenet – even if you don’t understand Danish, check out their great links on internet & privacy)Fortsæt læsningWhat facebook knows about you

A New Year’s Resolution for your digital identity?

Since January is 7 days old, I’m sure you’ve already started running, you’re eating healthier and are meditating daily. But how is your digital self? Still bloated, unsafe and out of shape?
Start this year with a health check of your digital identity – and get in shape, be happier and healthier! The first step is easy: Clean up your app permissions.Fortsæt læsningA New Year’s Resolution for your digital identity?

A “Learn This”-button?

This Ph.D has an interesting idea. Why just like things on the internet, why not use the same game-like mechanics to learn things. Maria Andersen’s idea: Let’s put a “Learn This”-button on the web. Well I for one would like to see an implementation of this. More from Maria Andersen here: http://www.wfs.org/content/world-is-my-schoolFortsæt læsningA “Learn This”-button?

Inbox Zero – and the 2011 stats…

With all your good intensions of burdening your fellow humans with less email, and spending less of your valuable time on automated emails – ever wonder how you’re really doing? Well I did, and here’s my numbers: I dealt with 7,479 emails this year!Fortsæt læsningInbox Zero – and the 2011 stats…

Media Evolution – The Conference!

Malmö in southern Sweden has for the last two days hosted MediaEvolution’s “The Conference” with an amazing line-up of international speakers and doing a good job of ordering the many different topics into 3 headlines: Who’s Next? Man & Machine and Creation – each kicked off by one of the magnificent Keynotes…Fortsæt læsningMedia Evolution – The Conference!

Mythbusting the “Digital Natives”

Every time I hear the term Digital Natives, I release the safety-catch of my virtual mythbuster kit!
Finally there is research to prove that the “digital natives” compelling as it sounds, is just a catchy metaphor – but in reality a myth! (Who you gonna call?)Fortsæt læsningMythbusting the “Digital Natives”

Email, before and after…

PS: More cool stuff from the guy who made it poofytoo.tumblr.comFortsæt læsningEmail, before and after…

In an internet minute…

New York has nothing on the Internet, when it comes to squeezing stuff into a minute! “> Infographic by- Shanghai Web DesignersFortsæt læsningIn an internet minute…

How Inbox Zero changed my life

GTD is simple, yet often complicated to explain to newcomers and hard to practice. I usually find, that when explaining GTD to people – I always start with Inbox Zero – since Inbox Zero was the real eyeopener that changed my (work) life and really opened my eyes to all the benefits of Getting Things Done. But why is Inbox Zero such a good way into GTD? Well read on…Fortsæt læsningHow Inbox Zero changed my life

I know where you’re going next spring!

If you’re into tech and how we humanoids interact with it and how we interact with other humanoids through the interwebs, then there is only one place to be, when March 9th 2012 rolls around…Fortsæt læsningI know where you’re going next spring!