Being Human – Week 3 #EDCMOOC

What is a human and what makes us human? – Well I’m just going to go with the biological definition and stick to “member of the race Homo Sapiens” – wikipedia has an excellent page on Human, well worth a look even if you’re not currently doubting your own existence, uniqueness or sameness to other…Fortsæt læsningBeing Human – Week 3 #EDCMOOC

#EDCMOOC w2: Visions of education

In the near future children will think of nothing but their learning from they wake up, dying to get to school until they hand in their homework and fall asleep. Teachers are essentially large (sideways) scroll wheels with an audiotrack. Learning is achieved by sitting attentively and listening – or, when it gets really interactive, holding…Fortsæt læsning#EDCMOOC w2: Visions of education

#EDCMOOC w1 – the education

The first week’s perspectives on education are showing their age – not just in design *hello screaming yellow web 1.0 background colour* but also in their views of the internet as being one thing, and that thing being either good or bad – it’s all white hats Vs black hats in the wild west: Cerraulo…Fortsæt læsning#EDCMOOC w1 – the education

#EDCMOOC week one

Must technology either be a depicted as dystopia or utopia? Didn’t we get past that since the great dystopia of 1984 (back in 1948!) – well that was my thought at the beginning of the week, peeking at the curriculum for the Edinburgh U coursera course E-learning and Digital Cultures, aka #EDCMOOC And I still…Fortsæt læsning#EDCMOOC week one


Kære Tusind tak for jeres tilbud om at jeg HELT gratis kan vælge at modtage reklamer, og fordi I er så tålmodige – jeg har i dag fået jeres reklame for 5. gang. Det er sødt af jer – I tænker måske den var blevet væk i det andet post, men nu har jeg været tilmeldt “Reklamer nej…Fortsæt læsningTak

Gratis råd til YouBio

Hej YouBio. Det er friskt af jer, at I sådan vil være moderne med streaming af TV on demand, lissom. Problemet er bare, at hvis I skal gøre det, så skal I nok oppe jer gevaldigt. Her er et par gode råd: 1) Lad være med at sende mig 5 (fem!) forskellige emails om at…Fortsæt læsningGratis råd til YouBio


Netymology: From Apps to Zombies – A Linguistic Celebration of the Digital World by Tom Chatfield My rating: 5 of 5 stars For those of us who love languages almost as much as we love the internet, this is a lovely stroll through the lingo of the internet and the origins of the words we…Fortsæt læsningNetymology

Digital Humanities

Andrew Prescott aka @ajprescott did a nice overview of Digital Humanities in his keynote today at #dh14dk, this quick write-up won’t do it justice, but it was chock full of interesting links, so I wanted to share a bunch here: He described the first wave of digital humanities was using computers to access, research and…Fortsæt læsningDigital Humanities


Værsgo’ Techsistens: 50 Mbit plus det løse: Andelsforeningsfiber holder 😉 Kablet, naturellement – på min airport er det svundet lidt: På hans router har jeg ikke ordentligt hul igennem, så det er han nu sat til at fikse – nørdehjemmet har selvfølgelig his’n’hers router, min virker ordentligt 😉 På Københavns Universitet har vi til gengæld…Fortsæt læsning#speedywebs

Twitter as Dr. Seuss would have explained it

Cute and totally right too! A Dr. Seuss-Inspired Guide to Twitter from HootSuiteFortsæt læsningTwitter as Dr. Seuss would have explained it